sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

Culmea replicilor celebre

Am scris aici despre diverse replici celebre din filme, dar zilele trecute am dat de una, care desigur va rămâne "culmea" acestor replici, ceva ce nu se va mai întâlni repede pe micul sau marele ecran. Culmea, nu am văzut filmul de la început , ci doar o parte, partea de sfârşit. Filmul se numeşte "Adevărul despre iubire" (The Truth About Love-2005), un titlu foarte pretenţios, în rolul principal fiind Jennifer Love Hewitt, pe care a cunoaşteţi îndeaproape din cauza decolteului şi a prestaţiei din "Mesaje de dincolo".
La finalul filmului, actriţa realizează cât îl iubeşte pe unul Archie, care tocmai pleca cu trenul. Aleargă biata femeie pe lângă respectiva maşinărie în mişcare, gagiul o vede şi trage semnalul de alarmă şi coboară. Clasic. Fug unul spre celălalt iar ea îi spune următoarea replică, care va rămîne în vecii vecilor cea mai "superbă" replică de final: "Du-mă acasă şi ridichează-mă". Poate altfel suna în engleză, dar din păcate nu am fost destul de atent.

1 comentarii:

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Truth_About_Love_%28film%29
    After Alice Holbrook (Jennifer Love Hewitt), a happily married English woman living in Bristol, receives an anonymous Valentine's Day card with radish seeds in it, she automatically assumes the card is from her supposedly loving lawyer husband....he film then fast forwards to a litle time later. Katya took her story as well as that of "Anonymous" to the press and so Sam's reputation as an upstanding lawyer has been ruined. Furthermore, the press exposes that Alice was, in fact, not having an extramarital affair as Archie previously thought. This realization prompts Archie to attempt to tell Alice about his feelings for her, but she cannot see past their friendship. Because of this, Archie decides he cannot get over Alice while still in Bristol, so he takes a job in Japan. First though, he sends a goodbye letter to Alice, in which he includes "P.S. I hope you liked the radishes," finally letting her know that the original Valentine's Day card was from him and not Sam. Alice chases after Archie and finally catches him after a series of debacles at the train station, including him having to actually stop the train. They kiss and declare they love each other. The movie ends when Alice lovingly looks up at the man who really thinks she is "the perfect woman" and says "Take me home and radish me." :) Faina este si traducerea in portugheza....:))) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tLjyGaFJYY


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